National Sections of the Rotary Inter-Country Committees (ICC National Sections)

Rotary Inter-Country Committees can have national relationships (ICC National Sections) or sub-national relationships between two or more nations.
To form an Inter-Country Committee (ICC National Section) between two or more nations, it is necessary that there be approval by all the District Governors of those nations.
Sub-national Inter-Country Committees require the consensus of all districts participating in the relationship. 
Interested Rotarians in each nation are required to form a planning commission to create an Inter-Country Committee. It is responsibility of the planning commission of each country to obtain approval to organize an Inter-Country Committee by the Governors of all the districts of that nation.
Each ICC National Section thus regularly constituted is led by a Chair, elected by the participating districts for a three-year term, with the task of maintaining relations with the other ICC participating, identifying potential common projects and activities to be undertaken, organizing planning meetings and events suitable for these purposes.
Inter-Country Committees must abide by the rules governing organizations in their country and shall have, in addition to the chair, a secretary and a treasurer. The chair serves for three years, the other leaders should rotate on an annual basis.
An established Inter-Country Committee shall inform the ICC Executive Council of its formation.

ICC National Sections of Italy - Malta - San Marino
(dedicated pages)

  1. Albania
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Armenia
  5. Austria - Germany
  6. Belarus
  7. Belgium - Luxembourg (BeLux)
  8. Brazil
  9. Bulgaria
  10. Canada
  11. Chile
  12. China
  13. Croatia
  14. Czech Republic
  15. Egypt
  16. Finland
  17. France
  18. Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI)
  19. Greece
  20. India
  21. Israel
  22. Kenia
  23. Jordan
  24. Lebanon
  25. Lithuania
  26. Madagascar
  27. Morocco
  28. Mozambique
  29. Pakistan
  30. Palestine
  31. Poland
  32. Portugal
  33. Romania
  34. Russian Federation
  35. Senegal
  36. Serbia - Montenegro
  37. Slovakia
  38. Slovenia
  39. South Africa {Rotary District 9400}
  40. Spain
  41. Sweden
  42. Switzerland - Liechtenstein
  43. Taiwan
  44. Tunisia
  45. Turkey
  46. Ukraine
  47. USA
  48. Vietnam
